Friday, February 1, 2019


Ok It is official. I HATE STAIRS!!  They either don't fit or are too wide or they don't join properly to the lower flight.Or I was a twit and cut them backwards. How do you even do that??  I think I cut these about a million times. Or at least it feels like it. But  'by jove we've got it'.. Finally. 
The stairs are done and after several tries they fit in the tower where they belong. 
Quick glue them in before they mutate.

These are some of the parts that didn't fit so far. I could build a crooked castle with these. or maybe two.  The number of rejected stair parts was too depressing . I threw those out as I went along.

But now things are starting to move. Or they should until I hit the second set of stairs in the next part of the castle.  Here is the finished Great Hall waiting to be decorated.

Next up is wall paneling and the roof trusses.


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