Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Half Scale house is coming along nicely. It has been very much a 'cut , try- re-cut and fit' sort of  construction which is not the way I usually work but as this is a one of a kind it seems to be working.
Some of the rooms have to be finished as I go simply because it is easier to get into them before the next floor is installed. Very much a 'what comes first- the chicken or the the egg'  way of working. Electrical, wallpaper and flooring and trim are all decisions that I would prefer to wait and enjoy later but it is so much easier to get inside and install them now that I am having to finish rooms as I go.
This  is the Pub room before the side wall is glued in place.

Here is the same room from the final view with the left side wall now installed. The front walls will slide in place behind the butresses.(shown on the left) 

The lighting is installed in the Great Hall but I'm not sure where the batteries will be hidden yet.

 I have a couple of rooms done, some of the outside walls detailed and some parts that aren't even designed yet. It is very much a patchwork but from some angles it looks lovely.If I crop the photos it looks as if I am really getting things done.

                                             A longer view shows up all the missing bits.

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