Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 2017
For some reason... maybe procrastination?? my blog has been sitting idle for years. I'm hoping to change that. The last post I wrote was March 2012 so maybe March is my month for writing and I'm on a 5 year plan. Let's hope not.

It is true that March seems to be the month that I get organized for the rest of the year and start  counting kits and replacing stock. I try to get my DH to count kits but he seems to be as bad, or good, at procrastination as I am. I will have to crack the whip soon.  LOL

It is also when I start planning  new projects and building prototypes. My friends keep saying they wish they could see inside my head. Personally I think it would look rather like a squirrels nest; full of miscellaneous parts and with bits and pieces all scrambled in a ball. It certainly feels as if a squirrel lives there much of the time. That squeaky wheel can drive you nuts.

The new Wandlyn Way series is off to a good start and I've been working on the 3rd kit for the street. For those of you who missed seeing the introduction for the kits; The Wandlyn Way is North America's answer to DiagonAlley. If Harry Potter can buy wizard supplies in England then the wizards of North America must have had a place to shop too. First established in a hidden lane off the Byward Market in 1820, the shops have an Old World atmosphere with a New World touch.
 The first shop was the Hedge Witch, a shop for magical gardeners. Here you can buy graveyard dirt, moon flowering water lilies, and all your other gardening needs.

The Alchemist shop is next door and Leaden Gold is a rather interesting alchemist. He arrived suddenly from unknown parts and built a shop to sell all kinds of magical ingredients. He also did rather noisy experiments in the upper room of the building.

The next shop in the street sells wands and scrolls of incantations. It will be unveiled soon but I can tell you that it is a 3 story tower and would make a nice castle if you aren't into wizards. I'm still working on the interior but I love the curved front.

I'm also try to figure out a workshop for the 2018 Ontario Gathering. I found a wonderful little cottage that I wanted to do in quarter scale. It has turned into a wonder, miserable little pain in the ...
LOL  We have fought it out for a couple of weeks now and I think I am finally winning. It is still a wonderful little cottage bit it wont be a workshop. This is definitely a take your time sort of building and could ever be done in a day. It will make a lovely kit eventually and I hope to show you a completed photo of it soon.
So back to the drawing board for a Gathering workshop. I think I have something easier in mind. But it is so easy to get carried way. I do love details. By The Way the 2018 Gathering is in Gananoque Ontario April 20-22 2018and we are planning a wonderful theme. Stay tuned for more info.

Our next show is April 1 & 2 in Montreal. I hope I will see you there. I plan to bring the Wandlyn Way shops to show off.

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